QDRO Process

  1. The parties request and complete our QDRO Request for Information form. Once we receive the completed form and a copy of the parties’ Settlement Agreement, we send letters of engagement to the parties at the addresses provided on the form. The letters of engagement explain the assignment of benefits, the QDRO process and the fee charged. Once we receive the signed letters of engagement and payment in full, we begin working on the QDRO(s).
  2. We draft the QDRO in accordance with the parties’ Settlement Agreement. If the terms of the Settlement Agreement are ambiguous, we seek clarification from the attorneys or, if the parties are unrepresented, the parties.
  3. If the Plan Administrator will review a draft QDRO, we will send the draft QDRO to the Plan Administrator for preapproval. This helps ensure that the court-certified QDRO will not be rejected. Federal and military plans will not review a QDRO for preapproval.
  4. We send the QDRO to the parties for signatures.
  5. Once we receive the signed QDRO, we submit it to the court for review and approval and request a court-certified copy of the QDRO.
  6. Once we receive the court-certified copy, we submit it to the Plan Administrator for formal approval and processing.
  7. The client file remains open until we receive confirmation from the Plan Administrator or the parties that the QDRO has been received and approved.